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Sirens and signaling devices

Siren light and sound TIRAS OSZ JMIL-2 12V 105dB external
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Model: 02362
Security and fire light and sound alarm - siren JMIL-2 12V 105dB, howler, plastic for external and internal installation, intended for issuing light and sound signals at protected objects. The alarm creates an average sound level of at least 105 dB a..
1 476.00грн.
Siren TIRAS OSZ Dzhmil-1 (ОСЗ ДЖМІЛЬ-1) light sound 12V 80dB
In stock
Model: 02300
Siren TIRAS OSZ Dzhmil-1 (ОСЗ ДЖМІЛЬ-1) light-sound 12V 80dB plastic for external and internal installation, intended for issuing light and sound signals at protected objects. The alarm creates an average sound level of at least 80 dB at a dista..
1 176.00грн.
Siren light and sound TIRAS OSZ Dzhmil-1 24V 80dB external
In stock
Model: 04811
Siren light and sound TIRAS OSZ DzhMIL-1 24V 80dB external (howler) plastic for external and internal installation, intended for issuing light and sound signals in alarm and fire alarm systems. The alarm creates an average sound level of at least 80 ..
1 050.00грн.
Sound siren S-03-220 220V 95dB
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Model: 03567
Security and fire sound alarm S-03-220 siren 220V/95dB, plastic, for internal installation, intended for issuing a sound signal at protected objects. The alarm creates a weighted average sound level of at least 95 dB at a distance of 1 m along the ax..
Light and sound siren S-03S-220 DUET (С-03С-220 ДУЕТ) 220V 95dB
In stock
Model: 02814
Siren light and sound (light and sound alarm) DUET S-03S-220 (ДУЕТ С-03С-220) security and fire 220V/95dB, plastic, for internal installation, intended for providing light and sound signals in security and fire alarm systems of premises, in industria..
Light pointer OS-1 (12/24V) EXIT (ОС-1 (12/24V) ВИХІД)
In stock
Model: 02364
Light pointer OS-1 (12/24V) EXIT (ОС-1 (12/24V) ВИХІД) is designed to indicate exit routes from premises, buildings in various evacuation management systems. Provides illumination of the inscription on it to ensure the possibility of use in the dark...
Light pointer PLAY 1.1 U-05-12/24 ВИХІД / EXIT 12/24V (ПЛАЙ 1.1 У-05-12/24)
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Model: 04491
Light pointer PLAY 1.1 U-05-12/24 ВИХІД / EXIT (ПЛАЙ 1.1 У-05-12/24 ВИХІД / EXIT) is designed to indicate exit routes from premises, buildings, in various evacuation control systems. Supply voltage 12/24V. Provides illumination of the inscription on ..
Light pointer Sergeant U-07-220-A ВИХІД / EXIT 220V with battery
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Model: 03802
Light pointer Sergeant U-07-220-A EXIT with battery (with autonomous power supply), designed to provide light signals in various alarm systems, fire evacuation systems, alarm systems (security, fire, gas, etc.) of premises, buildings and structures. ..
1 314.00грн.
Light pointer TIRAS OS-1 EXIT Ex (ОС-1 ВИХІД Ex) intrinsically safe
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Model: 04237
Light pointer TIRAS OS-1 EXIT Ex (ОС-1 ВИХІД Ех) intrinsically safe is intended for indicating exit routes from premises and buildings in various evacuation control systems. Provides illumination of the inscription on it to ensure the possibility of ..
Light and sound siren GNOM-1 12V 90dB external
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Model: 03103
Siren GNOM-1 light and sound 12V 90dB for external and internal installation (siren with beacon), power supply 12V, acoustic power 90dB, metal case. Connects to security and fire control systems.Characteristics:• Alert type: light and sound• Power su..
Siren light and sound TIRAS OSZ Dzhmil 12V 80dB external
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Model: 01707
Syrena svitlozvukova TIRAS OSZ DZHMILʹ 12V 80dB zovnishnya (revun) pryznachena dlya vydachi svitlovoho ta zvukovoho syhnaliv na ob'yektakh, shcho okhoronyayutʹsya v systemakh okhoronnoyi ta pozhezhnoyi syhnalizatsiyi. Opovishchuvach stvoryuye serednʹ..
1 048.00грн.
Light pointer OS-6.1 (12/24V) EMERGENCY LIGHTING (ОС-6.1 (12/24V) АВАРІЙНЕ ОСВІТЛЕННЯ)
In stock
Model: 02363
Light pointer OS-6.1 (12/24V) EMERGENCY LIGHTING  (ОС-6.1 (12/24V) АВАРІЙНЕ ОСВІТЛЕННЯ) is designed to indicate exit routes from premises, buildings in various evacuation control systems. Provides illumination of the inscription on it to en..
Light-sound indicator OSZ-14.1(ОСЗ-14.1)  Traffic indicator arrow 12V 80dB
In stock
Model: 01221
Light-sound indicator OSZ-14.1 (ОСЗ-14.1) Traffic indicator arrow 12V 80dB for indicating the direction of movement, intended for use in fire alarm systems, as well as in evacuation control systems. The alarm provides illumination of the inscription ..
Light indicator SERGEANT U-07-12/24 (СЕРЖАНТ У-07-12/24) 12/24V
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Model: 04540
Light indicator SERGEANT U-07-12/24 (СЕРЖАНТ У-07-12/24) 12/24V intended for indicating exit routes from premises, buildings in various evacuation control systems. Provides illumination of the inscription on it to ensure the possibility of use in the..
Light-sound pointer TIRAS OSZ-12 ВИХІД 12V 80dB (ОСЗ-12 ВИХІД 12В 80дБ)
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Model: 03015
The light-sound pointer OSZ-12 EXIT 12V 80dB (ОСЗ-12 ВИХІД 12В 80дБ) is intended for use in fire and alarm systems, as well as in evacuation control systems.Thelight-sound pointer provides illumination of the inscription on it and activation of ..
Light and sound pointer TIRAS OSZ-12 Ex ВИХІД 12V 65dB explosion-proof (ОСЗ-12 Ех ВИХІД)
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Model: 02408
Light-sound poinet TIRAS OSZ-12 Ex ВИХІД 12V 65dB (ОСЗ-12 Ех ВИХІД) for explosive premises - for use in fire and alarm systems, as well as in evacuation control systems.Intended for use in explosive premises with different categories of explosiv..
1 205.00грн.
Light signaling device CC-1 - LED
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Model: 03936
The СС-1 light signaling device is an LED used in security and fire alarm systems to emit a light signal when the power supply voltage is applied.3mm LED indicator in sealed housing with 150mm wire (confirmation LED). SS-1 - light signaling remote de..
Siren light and sound Gnome-2 24V 95dB (Гном-2 24В 95дБ)
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Model: 05217
Gnome-2  (Гном-2 24В 95дБ) light and sound siren 24V 95dB (annunciator) with a 24V beacon, acoustic power not less than 95 dB, in a metal case, includes a generator board, piezoceramic emitter and ultra-bright LEDs. Provides control of access to..
Light pointer TIRAS OS-6.2 (12/24V) ВИХІД/EXIT (ОС-6.2 ВИХІД/EXIT)
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Model: 04251
Light pointer TIRAS OS-6.2 (12/24V) ВИХІД/EXIT (ОС-6.2 ВИХІД/EXIT) is designed to indicate exit routes from premises and buildings in various evacuation control systems. Provides illumination of the inscription on it to ensure the possibility of use ..
Light information board TS-12 ВИХІД 12V
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Model: 07116
Light information board TS-12 12V "ВИХІД". Exit light indicator, 12V. Plastic case, inscription ВИХІД ("EXIT") .It is installed in the room to manage the evacuation of people in case of fire. Continuous light signal (ultrabright LEDs), ВИХІД ("E..
Light alarm PLAY 1.1 U-05-220 EXIT 220V
In stock
Model: 06420
Light alarm indicator PLAY 1.1 У-05-220 EXIT, intended for indicating exit routes from premises, buildings in various evacuation control systems. Supply voltage 220B. Provides illumination of the inscription on it to ensure the possibility of use in ..
Siren light and sound DUET S-03S-12 (ДУЕТ С-03С-12) 12V 95dB
In stock
Model: 02480
Siren light and sound DUET S-03S-12 (ДУЕТ С-03С-12) 12V 95dB plastic for internal installation, intended for providing light and sound signals in security and fire alarm systems of premises, in industrial and domestic ones. The alarm creates a weight..
Siren light and sound Tortyla S-05S-24 (Тортила С-05С-24) 24V 100dB with information inscription
In stock
Model: 03175
Tortyla S-05S-24 (Тортила С-05С-24) light-sound siren on 24V, 100 dB, with an information inscription, is installed in a closed room. Plastic case. The detector produces a weighted average sound level of at least 80 dB at a distance of 1 m. It has tw..
Light-sound siren S-09S DUET 220V 95dB (С-09С ДУЕТ 220В 95дБ)
In stock
Model: 07316
Light-sound siren S-09S DUET 220V 95dB (С-09С ДУЕТ 220В 95дБ). The siren-alarm fire siren with the function of a visual light indicator - is intended for providing sound and light signals in alarm systems (security, fire, gas, etc.) of premises, buil..
Sirens and signaling devices