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Model: 01577
The USB - RS485 interface converter is designed to provide PC communication with remote objects via the RS-485 interface. Optocoupling with the communication line, galvanic decoupling according to the supply voltage, power from the USB bus, light ind..
2 520.00грн.
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Model: 03564
Big Brother software module UPLOAD EVENTS TO DBF FILE for integration with BAS (1C) in real time...
4 200.00грн.
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Model: 02321
Network access controller Cyphrax NAC-01 (in a box), Ethernet connection, 4 output relays, for the "Big Brother" access control and timekeeping system is designed to control access to residential, industrial or office premises equipped with an electr..
8 446.00грн.
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Model: 06350
Network controller NAC-01 (board), Ethernet connection, 4 output relays, for the Big Brother access control and time tracking system is designed to control access to residential, industrial or office premises equipped with an electromagnetic or elect..
9 456.00грн.
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Model: 06755
Controller CYPHRAX Net Kit 1 (NAC-01+K3-12) for ACS, a set of equipment in a metal box.The NAC-01 network access controller is designed to control access to residential, industrial or office premises equipped with an electromagnetic or electromechani..
11 520.00грн.
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Model: 04516
Proximity card reader CYPHRAX PR-01 black sealed for external installation for access control systems, processes user card identification code. The reader supports the Wiegand 26 bit and 1-Wire interface, which allows you to freely use it in any syst..
1 733.00грн.
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Model: 03929
CYPHRAX FR-N Biometric Reader with Wiegand 26, scratch-resistant fingerprint scanner, accepts all kinds of fingerprints well. It is possible to identify the user by fingerprints, EM Marine card, or a combination of fingerprint + EM-Marine card. Weiga..
4 100.00грн.
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Model: 01576
Network controller CYPHRAX iBC-01 light "Big Brother" access control and time accounting system. Estimated service of one point of passage. Number of records up to 8000 (keys + events), RS-485 PC communication line, Wiegand 26 reader interface, 1-Wir..
4 320.00грн.
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Model: 02052
Big Brother CALENDAR GRAPHICS software module for detailed accounting of working hours (work in several shifts, floating schedules, transition from shift to shift) in the Big Brother access control system...
5 460.00грн.
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Model: 05422
The CYPHRAX PR-02 A reader of EM Marin proximity cards is designed for reading identification codes of proximity cards and proximity key fobs of the EM-Marin standard in access control and timekeeping systems. The reader supports Wiegand and 1-Wire i..
1 386.00грн.
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Model: 02050
Сетевой (RS485) дисплей CYPHRAX IM-01. Используется как информационное табло в системе учета рабочего времени для отображения данных отметившегося человека. Может применяться для отображения: количества людей на территории, несанкционированного прохо..
4 200.00грн.
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Model: 01773
Proximity card reader CYPHRAX PR-01 white sealed for external installation for access control systems, processes user card identification code. The reader supports the Wiegand 26 bit and 1-Wire interface, which allows you to freely use it in any syst..
1 824.00грн.
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Model: 01578
Преобразователь (конвертер) UC-01 для подключения считывателей работающих по интерфейсу Wiegand 26 к контроллерам с интерфейсом 1-Wire (Touch Memory). Работа со сканером штрих-кодов...
1 680.00грн.
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Model: 03025
Local controller CYPHRAX iBC-03 access control system for 2 doors (one-way access points). Two executive relays, key control of an additional device (alarm), prohibition of double passage (Antipassback), 1000 keys (iButton, Proximity), light indicati..
1 470.00грн.
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Model: 02054
Big Brother software module ADDITIONAL WORKPLACE for organizing an additional workplace with the possibility of monitoring, managing and programming controllers in the Big Brother access control system...
3 360.00грн.
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Model: 02053
Big Brother software module ATTENDANCE REPORTS TO E-MAIL for preparing to send daily reports on the presence of employees to the e-mail of managers (set time of sending, reports by departments) in the Big Brother access control system...
4 200.00грн.
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Model: 04738
Считыватель CYPHRAX PR-UD Proximity (бесконтактных) карт настольный для ввода карт. Считыватель предназначен для использования в системах контроля доступа для считывания идентификационного кода карт и ввода его в память СКД. Считыватель подключается ..
2 520.00грн.
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Model: 02051
Big Brother software module VIDEO INTEGRATION with a video surveillance system based on Dahua video recorders (pictures, video archive, monitoring, linking of video to events) for the Big Brother access control system.Features:• DVR settings.• Bindin..
4 200.00грн.
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Model: 02049
CYPHRAX Ethernet-RS485 V2 interface network converter for organizing PC communication with access controllers (connected via RS485 line) via Ethernet network (local area network). The use of this type of converters can significantly simplify and redu..
3 840.00грн.
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Model: 07025
Cyphrax NC-M LCD network controller.The Cyphrax NC-M network access controller is designed to control access to residential, industrial or office premises equipped with an electromagnetic or electromechanical lock, barrier. On the basis of the Cyphra..
4 120.00грн.
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Model: 03076
Считыватель Proximity карт PR-04 KBD с клавиатурой для внутренней установки. Длина пользовательского кода от 1 до 12 цифр. Считыватель предназначен для использования в системах контроля доступа для считывания идентификационного кода карт и ввода его ..
1 680.00грн.
Out Of Stock
Model: 02055
Big Brother software module WORKING HOUR ACCOUNTING TABLE IN 1C for uploading working time reports directly to the 1C timesheet from the Big Brother access control system. Compatible with 1C version 8.2, UTP, UVP, ZUP configurations.In the version of..
5 040.00грн.
Out Of Stock
Model: 02399
Считыватель CYPHRAX PR-01 USB Proximity (бесконтактных) карт настольный для ввода карт. Считыватель предназначен для использования в системах контроля доступа для считывания идентификационного кода карт и ввода его в память СКД. Считыватель поддержив..
1 474.00грн.
Out Of Stock
Model: 01021
Контроллер iBC-02 Touch Memory/Proximity до 1000 пользователей, световая, звуковая индикация. Предназначен для управления доступом в жилые, производственные или офисные помещения, оборудованные электромагнитным или электромеханическим замком.Снят с п..